Tuesday, February 4, 2020

SIM335 Managing Projects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

SIM335 Managing Projects - Essay Example The direct relationship between the activities was found where ‘Finish to Start’ approach was adopted as per the requirements mentioned before the diagram was to be designed. Determining the total float on the other end means the total amount of time for which the task can be delayed and which does not negatively affect the project whatsoever the conditions are. The formula for the total float is given as follows: Total Float = Late Start – Early Start This means that subtracting the time of the activity which was recorded in case of the early start as well as the late start will provide us the total float that can be recorded in the activities undergoing, but that will not affect the process in negative way. Question 3: The duration of the project as well as the critical path are related to each other in an important sense, i.e. the shortest duration of time that is needed to finish all activities in a task to enhance the efficiency scale. According to the networ k diagram given above, the shortest duration of the project will be 72 days, and therefore that will be defining the critical path. The critical path of the diagram will not be an easy task as the whole task is based on the ES and EF basis except two points, i.e. end of activity 2 and end of activity 8. The critical path will follow the track from A > F > G > H > I > K > L > M > N > O > P > Q. Question 4: The critical path shows it will take 72 days for the task to complete, and that is shortest possible time in which a process can complete. Now if the project will start on 16th January, 2012, on Monday, then it will take 14 weeks and 2 days in the completion of the project. Calculating weeks from the starting date, the project must end on the second day, i.e. Tuesday of the 15th week after the project has started on 16th January. The second day of 15th week becomes Tuesday 1st May, 2012. This will be the earliest date when the project will be completed. Question 5: If activity B de lays for 2 days then that will not make any change in to the final duration of the project, as activity B and F are going on the same time period, rather activity F is going on for 4 more days than the activity B and also activity F is included in the critical path and therefore there will not be any effect on the duration of the project. The delay of 2 days in activity P will straightaway affect the whole duration of the project because it is directly dependent as well as independent activity and any change in duration of this activity will change the duration of the whole project. Therefore, this will result in the delay of 2 days in the duration of project and now it will take total 74 days to complete the project, and it will now finish on Thursday 3 May, 2012. The delay in activity O of 1 day will also follow the same case as was happened in activity P case, but with 1 day delay in the project completion. Therefore the project will now be over on 2nd May, 2012 on Wednesday. Que stion 6: The main limitations in the network diagram are as follows: The toolbar cannot help the elements to be created through the use of dragging and dropping. It is not possible to transfer the elements to the work management view from the

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